
John Wooten

As A Christmas Carol with a modern day twist, Humbug follows the story of Eleanor Scrooge, a ruthlessly ambitious Wall Street executive who has an aversion to Christmas and an insatiable appetite for power. Locked in her office on a snowy Christmas Eve, Eleanor is determined to finish a corporate-takeover proposal until three "advisors" provide her with an eye-opening new appreciation for the holidays and the spirit of Christmas. An upbeat and moving adaptation of Dickens' holiday classic, Humbug is one for the ages. With a contemporary flair, it is a tale the whole family will enjoy! Runtime Approximately 1hr 15min with no intermission Appropriation for all audiences.

Cast List:

Eleanor Scrooge - Denise Kallas

Bobbie Cratchit - Madeleine Bien

Present - Elizabeth Tumminello

Tess/Carla - Karla Kamm

Ellie/Lisa/Caroler - Kelly Potter

Sarah/Nellie/Nurse - Amanda Draft

Future/John/Robert - Benjamin Burt

Marley/Ben/Gravedigger - Tony Targan

Phil - Jeff Graham

Bill/Tug/Benson - Eric Henrikson

Young Phil/Timmy - Tristan Potter

Past/Juan/Caroler - Stephan Potter



Friday - 12/6 - 8:00 pm

Saturday - 12/7 - 8:00 pm

Sunday - 12/8 - 2:00 pm

Friday - 12/13 - 8:00 pm

Saturday - 12/14 - 2:00 pm

Saturday - 12/14 - 8:00 pm

Sunday - 12/15 - 2:00 pm

Thursday - 12/19 - 8:00 pm

Friday - 12/20 - 8:00 pm

Saturday - 12/21 - 8:00 pm

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