
All auditions will take place at the Farmington Players Barn Theater

32332 W. 12 Mile Rd Farmington Hills, MI



Auditions for THE BEST LAID PLANS | Sunday, June 9, 2024

Registration begins at 11:00 am

Auditions begin at 12:00 pm

Audition Notice


Audition Cuts Summary: Click Here – Sides for Audition

A. Frances and Phoebe – Opening scene pg. 8 Start with Francis speech through pg. 10
Phoebe’s line “You’re kidding …”

B. Ada, Frances, Goralsky – Bottom of pg. 24 Goralsky line “Just a minute…”
Through pg. 26 bottom Frances line “Maybe he breathed too deeply “

C. Phoebe, Vincent, Michael – pg. 30 middle Phoebe – “Idiot” through bottom of 32 Phoebe

D. Guy and Gail- pg. 40 middle Guy says “Gail” through pg 42 Guy says “He’s dead”

E. Ada and Hubert – pg. 51 Middle Hubert – “Ada how are you …” through pg. 53 Hubert
phone call “Hanging up now”
(Exclude bottom of 52)

F. Phillip, Frances, Ada – pg. 17 Frances – “Most people use the front door” through pg. 19
Phillip – “You may have dislocated my back”